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Business Hours
Monday to Friday
9:00AM to 5:00PM
(Phone) 617.636.3992
(Fax) 617.636.6737
Request for Proposals |
The Cancer Center has earmarked a total of $10,000 for next-generation sequencing services
to support oncology research at Tufts Medical Center or Tufts University. The funding must be expensed by August 31, 2011.
The Internal Selection Committee, made up of members of the Cancer Center Executive Committee (CCEC), will
select the project(s) based on scientific merit. The application process:
- Due Date: Friday, May 27, 2011 by 5:00pm
- Application: Research title, list of investigators, sequencing ervices financial support required and research abstract (no more than one page)
- Email applications to: cancercenter@tuftsmedicalcenter.org
The GIMS Core currently has an Illumina HiSeq2000 and Roche 454 GS FLX, with plans to acquire either an Ion Torrent PGM or Illumina MiSeq in the near future.
The Illumina HiSeq2000 can generate 200 gigabases of sequence data per week, and is the premier platform for whole genome and transcriptome sequencing.
More information about the service (and next generation sequencing in general) is available at http://genomics.med.tufts.edu.
Additional information about the Illumina system can also be found at http://www.illumina.com.
One of the increasingly popular approaches to cancer research is whole exome capture followed by next generation sequencing.
Capturing the exome leads to a much smaller library size, so several samples can be mixed into one lane of the sequencer,
saving money while also targeting SNPs and other variations of interest.
The Core offers exon capture via the NimbleGen SeqCap (http://www.nimblegen.com/products/seqcap/ez/v2/),
Agilent SureSelect XT (http://www.genomics.agilent.com/),
or Illumina TruSeq (http://www.illumina.com/products/truseq_exome_enrichment_kit.ilmn) methods as a service.
The Core is happy to advise / consult if investigators prefer to obtain the kits and do the library preparation themselves.
For questions regarding next-generation sequencing services and consultation on the cost of services, please contact Kip Bodi at x6-3763 or kip.bodi@tufts.edu.
TUCF Genomics sponsors a variety of events to promote the applications of next-generation sequencing
technologies at Tufts.
Past Events
Next Generation Sequencing and Applications for Transcriptome Studies
Sponsored by Tufts CTSI, TMC, UIT, CNR, and TUCF
Wednesday, March 23 2011
Sackler 216A
The Computational Biology Initiative group at Tufts invites you to a half-day informal
symposium on applications of next generation sequencing technology. The program
includes invited talks from Tufts/TMC researchers and speakers from the Broad
Institute and Merck, Inc. Please RSVP to Nina Bonnoyer
to ensure an accurate head-count for lunch.
Lax Iyer, Tufts / TMC
Mike Zody, Broad Institute
Kip Bodi, Tufts
Joshua Ainsley, Tufts
Gavin Schnitzler, Tufts / TMC
Adnan Derti, Merck Inc.
Agilent SureSelect Seminar
Sponsored by TUCF and Agilent
Wednesday, February 9 2011
M&V 702
Leveraging our ability to make high quality, long oligos, Agilent
has created a genomic solution to enrich for regions of interest
prior to next generation sequencing and analysis. This allows for
greater depth of coverage for more samples, while saving
sequencing dollars and time. This talk will review Agilent’s
complete solution, and highlight our products by providing
sequencing data.
Scott D. Leppanen, Ph.D., Field Applications Scientist, Agilent Technologies
GenomeQuest Seminar
Sponsored by TUCF and GenomeQuest
Wednesday, October 13 2010
M&V 702
GenomeQuest, the global leader in sequence data management, helps life science organizations realize the full promise of genomics.
Over 160 leading health and agriculture companies use GenomeQuest for mission-critical work, including nine of the top ten pharmaceuticals.
The core technology of the company is the GQ-Engine - a sequence database engine that is purpose-built for storing, managing, and analyzing NGS sequence data at whole- and multi-genome scale.
Dr. Kamalakar Gulukota, Senior Director, GenomeQuest, Inc.
Genomic Sequencing Symposium
Sponsored by TUCF and Illumina
Friday, May 28 2010
DeBlois Auditorium
The Tufts Community is cordially invited to a Genomic Sequencing Symposium sponsored by Tufts University Core Facility and Illumina.
Come learn about the field of genomic sequencing and it's many applications, including whole transcriptome sequencing, whole genome sequencing,
and probing genetic networks. Presenters include local Tufts researchers, Andrew Camilli and Alex Ensminger, as well as the Director of
Illumina R&D, Gary Schroth. Reception to follow with appetizers, refreshments, and opportunities to speak with the presenters and network
with other genomic researchers
Gary Schroth, Ph.D.
Senior Director of Gene Expression and Regulation Applications R&D, Illumina Inc.
"Analysis of the Human Transcriptome by Next-Gen Sequencing"
Andrew Camilli, Ph.D.
Tufts University School of Medicine and Howard Hughes Medical Institute
"Use of Massively Parallel Sequencing for Probing Genetic Networks"
Alex Ensminger, Ph.D.
Tufts University School of Medicine
"Whole Genome Resequencing of Experimentally Adapted Legionella"